Joanna Walker GAICD


Joanna Walker has held executive CFO roles across general and food retail and franchise businesses. She is a Chartered Accountant, with several years’ experience dealing with audit, risk, mergers and acquisitions and governance related matters associated with private equity and listed company environments.

She is a non-executive director of Kapstone Pty Ltd and a variety of private related companies. Prior board appointments include nonexecutive director, Chair of Finance Committee and member of Risk and Audit Committee for Eastern Health, non-executive director and Chair of Risk and Audit, Southern Alpine Resort Management Board and non-executive director and member of the Investment Committee of Amcor Superannuation Fund.

Drawing together her experience with listed, private and public sector boards, Joanna provides a wealth of practical commercial advice into financial and corporate governance particularly to those organisations experiencing transformation and change. She is a facilitator for the Australian Institute of Company Directors Course in Australia. Ms Walker is currently Chair of the Finance, Risk and Audit Committee and a member of the Performance and Remuneration Committee.